Aiyana Fraley, women's circle facilitator, reiki teacher, yoga teacher

Women’s Circles, Weaving Threads of Sisterhood

I lead women’s circles that combine yoga, meditation, intention setting, and gathering in sacredness to honor each other and our paths. I believe circles are a place for healing and spiritual growth. A place where we can come together and listen to each other, heart to heart, and be present. A lot and a little happens in a women’s circle. There is no pressure to do anything but be there. You can practice yoga with me, or not. You can follow the guided meditation, or not. You can share your story, or not. You being there is enough. Many women come to the circles and choose to lay in savasana or they simply listen. While others practice yoga and share their stories. 

I facilitate my circles with the understanding that women from many different paths are coming together and while we may be different as we explore sharing space with one another we discover that at our core there are many similarities in how we are experiencing and processing life. We find commonalities in emotional experiences from grief, break ups or divorces, motherhood, balancing our careers, finding ourselves in a new city and all places in between. Gathering in a women’s circle fosters an intimate space where our shared experiences and heartfelt connections intertwine, we can relate to one another and from this create a sisterhood of support and understanding.

As a yoga teacher and reiki practitioner, my goal in holding space for these circles is to create a space where we can let down our guard and receive. To fill our cups, be inspired, and leave feeling ‘I can do this’. Each circle has a theme, I love relating nature to our lives as it has inspired me to live more balanced. We practice gentle yoga, we breathe deeply and let go, we meditate and clear our minds, we lay down and rest, and we share what’s on our minds and hearts. I usually prepare in a ceremonial way an herbal tea for the gathering and have grounding snacks like dark chocolate and fruits for us to have after our meditation. 

We take our time to journal and set intentions for ourselves. I often say a collective prayer for our connection and reverence to the light in all of us. These gatherings are beautiful; they are special as each is a completely unique experience. I love offering them because they bring women together and we can share with each other our personal experiences and know that we have support with each other — a group of women who listen and do not judge, who will sit with us as we express our vulnerability. 

I have been inspired by a quote by Ram Dass who said, “We are all walking each other home.” Circles are about that coming together for each other for no other reason than to be there. In a world that calls our attention to be individualistic, circles remind us of the thread of light that connects us all. I hope you can join me in a circle. Your unique presence would be such a gift. 

Check out my upcoming women’s circles here