reiki hands on head for headache and stress relief by Aiyana Fraley with Hand to Soul model

FAQ on Reiki

Have you heard of reiki and are interested in knowing more about what it is and how it works? This article answers frequently asked questions about reiki, its benefits and what to expect in a session. 

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle, holistic healing technique originating from Japan that focuses on channeling universal life force energy to promote relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being. Universal Life Force Energy is a form of energy that brings vitality to the body. When our body is under stress or when there is illness, there is a depletion of this energy in the body. This energy helps the body to regulate itself and maintain balance or homeostasis. The idea is that when you receive reiki during a time like this your body regains its innate ability to regulate itself and bring it back into balance. Thus, healing itself. The practitioner of reiki is simply a conduit of the life force energy to move into the recipient and the healing occurs within the body’s own intelligence. 

How does Reiki work?

Reiki works by balancing and harmonizing the energy centers located at major organs and nerve cluster within the body, supporting its natural ability to heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

What can I expect during a reiki session?

During a session, you’ll relax onto a massage table while or sit comfortably while the practitioner places their hands lightly on or just above your body, allowing the energy to flow where needed. You might feel warmth, tingling sensations, or deep relaxation during the session. Clients remain fully clothed during a session and are given blankets and pillows for comfort. An eye pillow is placed over the eyes to support you in relaxing.

How should I prepare for a reiki session?

There’s no specific preparation needed for a reiki session. It’s beneficial to wear comfortable clothing and arrive with an open mind, ready to relax and receive the energy. Some people find it helpful to set intentions or relax with deep breathing before the session.

How many reiki sessions do I need to experience benefits?

The number of sessions varies based on individual needs and goals. Some people experience immediate benefits after one session, while others may benefit from a series of sessions to address specific issues or achieve deeper relaxation and balance.

Can I combine reiki with other therapies or treatments?

Absolutely. Reiki is a complementary therapy and blends well with other holistic practices or conventional medical treatments. It can enhance the effectiveness of other therapies and contribute to overall well-being.

Are there any side effects or contraindications to receiving reiki?

Reiki is generally considered safe and non-invasive. It doesn’t have any known adverse side effects. However, it’s essential to communicate any medical conditions, concerns, or ongoing treatments with your reiki practitioner before the session. It’s also important to note that reiki is a complementary therapy modality and not a substitute for medical treatment.

What are the benefits of reiki?

Reiki promotes relaxation, reduces stress, supports the body’s natural healing process, enhances overall well-being, and fosters a sense of inner peace and balance. Clients do experience specific outcomes from a reiki session which include improvement in sleep, clarity of mind, deeper connection with their higher power, emotional healing, reduced fatigue, and pain relief. We believe each client receives what they need for their body to balance in a session and the depth of imbalance and amount of time a client is in this state can play a role in the outcome of the reiki session. We must start somewhere though, and from there we can work together to help your body regain its ability to heal itself. 

Is reiki a religious practice?

Reiki isn’t tied to any specific religion. It’s a spiritual practice that focuses on universal energy and is accessible to anyone, regardless of belief system. With this said, I do believe in God and pray and connect to the creator of the Universe during a reiki session for the health and well-being of each client. 

Can reiki be done remotely or at a distance? 

Yes, reiki can be performed remotely, transcending physical boundaries. Distance sessions are equally effective as in-person sessions.

What can I expect during a remote / distant reiki session?

Remote reiki sessions are as effective as in-person sessions. Prior to your session, we’ll discuss your concerns by phone, text, or email and address any questions or concerns you may have. For new clients, we’ll review the information provided in your intake form.

At your appointed time, find a comfortable space—whether it’s your bed, a cozy couch, or a chair to relax on. We’ll schedule the session during a time when you’re relaxed or asleep, and I’ll do the Reiki treatment during that time. Similar to in-person sessions, experiences vary person to person. Typically, recipients report experiencing a profound sense of peace and relaxation. 

Can reiki be used alongside other medical treatments?

Yes it can. Reiki complements conventional medical treatments by supporting the body’s natural healing abilities. It’s a great complement to other therapies. 

Is reiki safe? 

Yes, Reiki is generally considered a safe and non-invasive healing practice. It’s gentle and doesn’t involve the use of any medications or invasive procedures. It promotes relaxation and is typically well-tolerated by individuals of various ages and health conditions. However, it’s essential to note that Reiki is a complementary therapy and not a substitute for conventional medical treatments. As with any wellness practice, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional regarding any specific health concerns or conditions.

Does reiki heal?

In short, no, reiki does not heal. Reiki provides the body and mind with the necessary life force energy or vitality the body and mind need to regulate itself and restore harmony within the mind and body. Think of reiki as the sunshine nurturing a plant. While the sun itself doesn’t make the plant grow, it provides the essential energy needed for the plant’s growth and vitality. Similarly, reiki doesn’t directly heal, but it acts as a nurturing energy, providing the body and mind with the vital life force needed for self-regulation and restoration of harmony within. Reiki functions as a supportive energy, aiding the body and mind in their natural ability to restore balance and well-being. There are studies that indicate positive health outcomes for patients who receive reiki.

I’m on the fence and not sure whether I should try reiki. What can you tell me to change my mind?

Feeling uncertain about trying reiki is completely normal. If you’re on the fence, consider what you’re seeking in terms of well-being. Reiki isn’t just about ‘trying something new,’ it is an opportunity to embrace relaxation, support your body’s natural healing abilities, and find balance.

Consider what you hope to achieve or experience through reiki. Are you seeking stress relief, emotional healing, or a sense of calm? Reiki’s gentle approach can offer these benefits and more. Sometimes, it’s the firsthand experience that changes minds. Many who were hesitant initially found a profound sense of relaxation and well-being after just one session.

Reiki is non-invasive, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of age or health condition. If you’re open to exploring new avenues for wellness or seeking relaxation, trying reiki might just provide the soothing, revitalizing experience you’ve been looking for. Give it a chance; the potential benefits might surprise you.

How do I know if I can try reiki without it going against my religious beliefs?

When considering reiki or any holistic practice in relation to personal beliefs, it’s essential to follow what aligns with your spiritual or religious convictions. Reiki is an energy healing practice that doesn’t adhere to any specific religious dogma. It’s a gentle, non-invasive technique focused on promoting relaxation and well-being. It is much like meditating but with reiki your meditative state is guided by an experienced practitioner. Practitioners are focused on peace and creating an environment that fosters peace. The intention is never to manipulate or change your energy or to pull or cut cords or energy, rather it is a deep surrender to peace. When that deep state of peace is reached, the body enters an environment where it can function to its highest capacity. Cells and organs can heal because they are no longer in a state of stress or fight, flight or freeze stress modes. 

If you’re uncertain about whether reiki aligns with your religious beliefs, it might be helpful to consult with your spiritual advisor or religious leader. Discussing your concerns can provide clarity regarding any conflicts between reiki and your religious beliefs.

Some individuals find that Reiki complements their spiritual practices and enhances their overall sense of connection and well-being, while others may feel it doesn’t align with their beliefs. Ultimately, the decision to try reiki should be guided by your personal beliefs and comfort level. 

It may also be helpful to know what religious beliefs the practitioner has and whether that aligns with you. Although I do not limit myself to working with clients solely of my religious faith, I am a practicing Christian. 

Is reiki a form of witchcraft? 

Reiki is not a form of witchcraft. Reiki is a holistic healing practice originating from Japan that focuses on giving universal life force energy to the recipient for relaxation, stress reduction, and well-being. It’s not associated with any religious beliefs or rituals.

However, while reiki itself isn’t witchcraft, it’s important to note that there are individuals who practice both reiki and witchcraft separately or can mix them together in a reiki session. These practitioners may integrate various spiritual practices into their lives that may not be aligned with your faith or belief system. 

To differentiate between reiki and witchcraft, it’s crucial to understand their fundamental principles and practices. Reiki operates through gentle touch or near-touch to the body to promote relaxation and healing. It does not involve spellcasting, incantations, rituals, divination or the manipulation of another person’s will or energy which are all associated with witchcraft.

If you’re considering a reiki session but have concerns about its association with witchcraft, it might be helpful to talk to the reiki practitioner beforehand. Understanding their approach and ensuring alignment with your comfort level is essential.

Ultimately, reiki is a gentle and non-invasive healing modality aimed at promoting relaxation and well-being, separate from the practices and beliefs associated with witchcraft.

Here at Hand to Soul we do not practice witchcraft and highly advise clients to stay away from it and practitioner of such practices as they are not aligned with the Divine. 

What are you channeling when you channel reiki energy and how is it different from God?

When practicing reiki, practitioners channel universal life force energy, also known as ‘Ki’ or ‘Chi,’ which is believed to be the fundamental energy that sustains life. This energy is all around us and within us, and the practitioner serves as a conduit, allowing this energy to flow through their hands to the recipient.

It’s essential to note that the energy channeled during reiki sessions is not associated with any specific religious deity, including God. Reiki is a spiritual practice focused on energy balancing, emphasizing universal life force energy, whereas God, across various faiths, is often perceived as a divine, omnipotent being. Reiki energy is not omnipotent or divine, it is life nurturing. 

In reiki, the energy channeled isn’t directed by the practitioner’s will or intention but flows naturally to where it’s needed most within the recipient’s body, mind, or spirit. It’s a subtle and gentle energy that supports the body’s natural healing process.

While some individuals may feel a spiritual connection during reiki sessions, it’s important to recognize that the energy channeled in reiki isn’t synonymous with the concept of God in religious contexts. Reiki is more about facilitating the flow of universal energy for balance and well-being rather than invoking or connecting with a specific deity.

However, we do believe that the intelligence and direction the life force chooses to take to promote the balance within an individual or a spontaneous healing received comes from the omnipotent divine source of all creation.