Aiyan Fraley performing a sound healing

Have you ever noticed how a soothing song can calm you down and even put you to sleep? Sound has a way of putting us on a different wavelength— one where we can exist in a calmer more relaxed state. I have been using sound bowls as a therapy for clients for over five years and I have seen how powerful a session can be to transport a person from one mindset to another. From feeling overwhelmed, anxious and upset to feeling blissful and content. I have seen it help clients with grief release emotions they were scared to let go of. I have witnessed clients come out of a sound healing session completely changed because of a spiritual experience they had during that time.  In my practice I use crystal sound bowls and Himalayan sound bowls, as well as other supporting instruments to create a beautiful sound experience. Sound goes beyond just music, it is a powerful healer too. In this article, I will dive into some frequently asked questions about sound healing and give you the real deal on how vibrations and tones can help you find peace and harmony.

What is sound healing with crystal and Himalayan sound bowls?

Sound healing with crystal and Himalayan sound bowls is a holistic practice that utilizes frequencies and vibrations produced by these bowls to promote relaxation, balance, and healing within the body, mind, and spirit. It’s based on the principle that sound frequencies can influence our energetic and physical well-being. 

How does sound healing work?

The bowls are played by striking or rubbing them with a mallet, producing soothing sounds and vibrations. These frequencies interact with our body’s energy centers (chakras), promoting alignment and harmony. The vibrations penetrate deeply, stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities and encouraging a sense of calmness and balance.

How does sound bowl healing affect brain waves? 

The human brain operates in various states known as brain wave frequencies, ranging from the lowest Delta state associated with dreamless sleep to the serene Alpha state. When in Alpha, we experience a sense of tranquility, peace, and clarity akin to the post-meditation or post-exercise calmness. This relaxed state allows us to absorb the world around us without negative thoughts or distractions.

Throughout our day, our brain transitions between Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Theta, and Delta states, influencing our waking hours, meditation, sleep, and dreams. Singing bowls, used in sound healing, have the remarkable ability to slow down brain wave frequencies, particularly the Alpha and Theta states. By slowing these brain waves, sound bowl healing facilitates relaxation and enhances the ability to focus, effectively inducing a peaceful and centered state of mind.”

What are the benefits of sound healing with crystal and Himalayan sound bowls?

  • Relaxation and Stress Reduction: The gentle sounds and vibrations induce relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety levels.
  • Improved Sleep Quality: Sound healing can help calm the mind and promote better sleep patterns.
  • Pain Relief: The vibrations may alleviate physical discomfort and tension in muscles and joints.
  • Enhanced Mood and Emotional Release: It can uplift your mood and facilitate emotional release, reducing feelings of depression or anxiety.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation Aid: Sound bowls can deepen meditation practices and enhance mindfulness; creating a deeper sense of awareness throughout the day.
  • Energetic Cleansing: The vibrations are believed to clear stagnant energy, promoting a sense of renewal and vitality.

Are there different types of bowls used in sound healing?

Yes, I use crystal and Himalayan sound bowls. Crystal bowls are made of quartz crystal and produce clear, high-pitched tones. Himalayan bowls are crafted from seven different metals and they emit rich, harmonic tones with deeper vibrations.

How long does a sound healing session typically last?

Sessions can vary in length, often lasting from 30 minutes to an hour. The duration depends on individual preferences and the specific goals of the session.

Is prior experience necessary to benefit from sound healing?

No prior experience is needed. Sound healing is accessible to everyone and can be beneficial for individuals at any level of familiarity with holistic practices.

Can sound healing complement other treatments or therapies?

Yes, it does. Sound healing can complement various treatments and therapies, including massage, meditation, yoga, and energy work, enhancing their effects and promoting overall well-being. It can also be a useful ally with conventional medicine treatments. 

Are there any contraindications for sound healing sessions?

Sound healing is generally safe for most people. However, individuals with certain medical conditions, such as tinnitus (ringing of the ears), epilepsy, mental health disorders or other medical conditions that are being tended to by a doctor, may want to consult a healthcare professional before participating.

Sound healing with crystal and Himalayan sound bowls is a gentle, non-invasive practice that offers numerous holistic benefits, supporting overall health and well-being. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, stress relief, or a deeper spiritual connection, these healing vibrations can be a powerful tool on your wellness journey.

Are the benefits of sound healing done in person the same as listening to sound healing music on headphones?

While listening to sound healing music through headphones can provide a degree of relaxation and some benefits, experiencing sound healing in person offers a more profound and holistic effect. 

In-person sound healing sessions with crystal and Himalayan sound bowls involve not only hearing the sounds but feeling the vibrations physically as they resonate through the body. This direct interaction with the vibrations creates a multi-dimensional experience that affects the entire being—mind, body, and spirit.

During an in-person session, I intuitively adjust the vibrations and frequencies of the bowls based on the client’s energy and needs, creating a personalized and therapeutic experience. The vibrations are not only heard but felt deeply, penetrating tissues, bones, and cells, which can have a more profound impact on relaxation, stress reduction, chakra balancing, and overall well-being.

Being physically present in the space where the sound is produced allows for a more immersive experience, enhancing the mind-body connection and promoting a deeper state of relaxation. The vibrations travel through the surrounding environment, enveloping clients in a cocoon of healing sounds and energies.

Listening to sound healing music through headphones, although beneficial for relaxation and meditation purposes, lacks the personalized touch and direct physical interaction that in-person sessions offer. While it can be a convenient and accessible way to experience some level of relaxation, the depth of the healing vibrations may not be fully captured as they would be in a live session.

How does sound healing help with PTSD? Are there any research studies that show positive results?

Sound healing has shown promise as a complementary approach in helping individuals with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The calming and therapeutic effects of sound vibrations can aid in reducing symptoms associated with PTSD, such as anxiety, hypervigilance, and sleep disturbances.

The soothing nature of sound healing can create a safe and relaxing environment, helping to alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety often experienced by individuals with PTSD. The vibrations produced by sound bowls can potentially reduce the intensity of PTSD-related symptoms.

While there is ongoing research exploring the effects of sound healing on PTSD, evidence supporting its effectiveness as a standalone treatment for PTSD is still evolving. There are some preliminary studies that have shown promising results in reducing anxiety and stress-related symptoms among individuals with PTSD. Some research studies have indicated that sound healing, as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, may contribute to improving quality of life and emotional well-being in individuals with PTSD.

Sound healing is often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional treatments for PTSD, such as psychotherapy or medication. The effectiveness of sound healing varies person to person and it is advised that individuals with PTSD consult their healthcare professionals to determine the most suitable and comprehensive approach for managing their condition. Sound healing alone is not a substitute for medical treatment.