Nutrient-Packed Green Piña Colada Smoothie

Here it is, this smoothie has been an obsession of mine for years. I made it out of curiosity one day when I wanted a healthy version of a piña colada. So I decided to experiment and added a handful of fresh baby spinach and used ripened bananas for sweetness. It turned out great and I have been drinking it on a regular rotation ever since. It’s a sweet way to get some vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in the body too.

You can make this smoothie with fresh or frozen fruit. One of the reasons I love smoothies is how easy it is to add superfoods into them and give my body what it needs without having to take supplements. The recipe I’m sharing is great on its own, but if you’re feeling adventurous, you can supercharge it further by adding some protein powder or herbs I list below. Although, adding them may change the flavor so be open to playing with the amount.

Superfood Smoothie Enhancements

  1. Maca Powder: Infusing your smoothie with this superfood adds a boost of energy, enhances libido, and aids in stress management. Maca is a true powerhouse, supporting your overall well-being with its remarkable properties.
  2. Hemp Seeds: These seeds are packed with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as magnesium. Elevating heart health, hemp seeds help reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure, all while providing a delicious nutty flavor.
  3. Cacao Powder: Layer your smoothie with the richness of cacao. Bursting with antioxidants, it supports heart health and enhances circulation from your heart to your brain, elevating both your body and mind.
  4. Chia Seeds: These tiny seeds improve digestive health, reduce visceral adipose tissue (aka belly fat), promote a lasting feeling of fullness, and add a delightful crunch to your sips.

Without much ado, here is the recipe. Savor and enjoy the nourishment with every sip.


  • 2 cups pineapple chunks
  • 2 frozen bananas chopped
  • 1 ½ cup coconut milk or milk of choice
  • 2 tablespoons shredded coconut or shredded toasted coconut for garnish
  • 1 cup baby spinach


  • Place pineapple, bananas, coconut milk and spinach into a high speed blender and blend until smooth. 
  • Pour into a large glass or jar and top with shredded coconut.

Hello, I’m Aiyana. I believe healing is an inward journey, and I help people connect with the divine spirit within their hearts. On this blog, I share insights about healing and a holistic lifestyle, along with my inspirations.

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