21 Journal Prompts to Awaken Your Reiki Practice

Journaling brings to the surface emotions and experiences that are affecting our lives in the subtlest ways. Through the process, we gain clarity, peace and a greater understanding of ourselves.

During each level of reiki, we undergo a 21 day spiritual cleanse that helps us increase our awareness, release mental blocks and patterns and heal ourselves on an emotional level. I created this 21 day journaling prompt exercise to support you through your 21 day spiritual cleanse that follows each reiki attunement.

You can use this exercise for self healing and discovery even if you have not received a reiki attunement. You will find it is deeply healing.

These journal prompts are designed to get your pen moving. Journal about the topic listed for that day. Write without thinking and self-editing. Allow a stream of consciousness to flow through your pen. Write until you can’t write any more then take a break and return later to read what came through. I encourage you to listen to your inner guidance and if there is a prompt you get stumped on skip it or come back to it later.

At the end of the 21 days, take note of how you feel and go back and read your journal. You may discover patterns that have been broken or how much you’ve grown in your own awareness during this time.

Journal Prompts For 21 Day Reiki Cleanse

  1. What I fear most is…
  2. What I love most about life is…
  3. Five things (or more) I love about myself are…
  4. I notice my intuition when…
  5. Today, I feel…
  6. I am grateful for…
  7. I need to forgive myself for…
  8. I’m ready to forgive the following people ________  for…
  9. My mantra is…
  10. I am most happy when…
  11. (Recall stressful experience from the past.) This experience taught me ________ about myself.
  12. I am really good at…
  13. Qualities I admire in others are… (examine if you have these qualities and if not what you can do to cultivate them)
  14. If failure was not an option, I would do…
  15. My greatest strengths are ________ and they have helped me…
  16. When I am at my worst, my best friend would cheer up by…
  17. Ten things that bring me joy when I am down are….
  18. I nurture my spirit by…
  19. The best advice I’ve received is… (if you don’t have one ask people what their best advice on life is and write it in your journal.)
  20. I laugh when…
  21. I am most optimistic about…

Hello, I’m Aiyana. I believe healing is an inward journey, and I help people connect with the divine spirit within their hearts. On this blog, I share insights about healing and a holistic lifestyle, along with my inspirations.

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